Winter Snowshoe HIke 2021
Thank you everyone who attended the first event in CRC’s new Guided Nature Walk Series!
The Winter Snowshoe on Sunday, March 14 had 17 attendees and was guided by U.S. Forest Service Wildlife Biologist Scott Tomson and recently retired Wildlife Biologist Rachel Feigley.
Scott and Rachel shared information about wildlife sign and animal track identification, including what markings to look for and how to measure or record tracks.
Snowshoers were able to see examples of squirrel middens (signs of food stashes), woodpecker holes, and beaver cuttings! We also learned about winter ecology, including cold weather adaptations and winter animal activity in forests and wetlands.
Thank you, Scott and Rachel, for sharing your time and knowledge with us!

Below are several resources on track identification and to learn more about Montana ecology.