It has been a while since we’ve hosted any PURE MONTANA TALES.
We hope you’ll take a look at what has been done in the past.
These informative events focus on a variety of interesting topics, many of which are connected to the Seeley-Swan and Blackfoot Valleys.
Early Warning Systems in the Forest Animal Communication Networks.
What in the heck is that you ask? (A Zoom presentation)
Erick Greene shared fascinating discoveries he and his students at UM have made about how animals communicate about danger. They have found that birds and other animals have remarkably specific alarm calls: for example, "snake on the ground," "flying hawk," "perched hawk", and so forth.
It also turns out that animals understand the alarm calls of other species, so many animals in the woods are cooperating to produce a "distant early warning system." Anyone who has tried to walk quietly or hunt in the woods has likely been the subject of this communication network!
The topic will be
Living with Bears in Seeley Lake.
Download the event poster.
August 2018 featured, "Walking Bear Comes Home" a 56-minute documentary film about bear biologist Chuck Jonkel.
Read the Seeley Swan Pathfinder article
about this event.
Download the poster (pdf - 600 kb) with the details.
Download details (1 MB)
The Pure Montana Tale for June 2018, focused on the impact of wildfire on fish, streams, wildlife and the forest presented by Scott Tomson, Wildlife Biologist, USFS and Shane Hendrickson, Fisheries Biologist, USFS.
Past Pure Montana Tales include:
October 19, 2017
FWP research biologist, Nick DeCesare shared information and data gathered as part of a moose population study he’s leading. Currently he is halfway through a ten year study of moose in three areas of the state. The information included factors that influence the numbers of moose in those areas including predators, parasites, and habitat. The study is also looking at effective methods for monitoring the populations since moose are harder to find using aerial observations.
Details about the research can be found by going to the FWP Moose Populations & Monitoring page. Research about other animals can be found at the FWP Wildlife Research page.
If you have comments about this presentation or ideas for a Pure Montana Tale, contact Dave Torell, email:
On October 18th, Scott Eggeman (Blackfoot-Clearwater FWP Biologist, John Englert (Blackfoot Challenge Elk Hunt Coordinator) and Eric Graham (Blackfoot Challenge Wildlife Technician) shared information about the upcoming big game hunting season, the private lands Elk Hunt Coordination program and hunting safely in bear country.
Pure Montana Tales (PMT) features educational and informative speakers on issues important to citizens of the Clearwater and Blackfoot Valleys held six times annually.
Sponsored jointly by Clearwater Resource Council and the Blackfoot Challenge, PMT topics have included Surviving in the Wildnerness, the Geology of the Crown of the Continent, Forest Health and Wildfire Awareness and a Wildlife Camera Film Festival. We are open to suggestions to from the Community.
Past Pure Montana Tales have included:
Double Movie Night on Friday, March 17, 2017
The Crown of the Continent by Rick and Susie Graetz
Graetzes Speak on Crown of Continent
By Betty Vanderwielen, Seeley Swan Pathfinder, September 15, 2016