.embed-container {position: relative; padding-bottom: 80%; height: 0; max-width: 100%;} .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container iframe{position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} small{position: absolute; z-index: 40; bottom: 0; margin-bottom: -15px;} a[href="http://crcmt.org/list-of-events"] .item-title { color: red }


has designated CRC as a model watershed program partner due to its outstanding resource protection efforts.

The text/quote above uses an “image - collage” design


Bonneville Environmental Foundation

“has designated CRC as a “model watershed program partner” due to its outstanding resource protection efforts.”

Title - Where as

If you have arrived here from the Missoula Gives website, welcome! Please see the following links for information on:

see if this turns to cursive

Seasonal Activities

Mid-October's color is gold, when the larch are at their peak.

Mid-October's color is gold, when the larch are at their peak.


Stay up to date on
Montana's Mussel Response
Information & Weekly Briefings here

Dec. 20, 2016 - The Montana Mussel Response Team announced that the test results from 182 bodies of water in Montana have not detected any new invasive mussels. 
Read more »

This is some longer content

lily_2020-CB1C9B89C.jpg This code block contains and image with styling. I can continue to add text into this area and it keeps adjusting to what is being created. Initially the flexbox setup wasn't working quite like I want.

But swapping 'item1' class and 'item2' class between the text and image helped.

Adding more text after veritcally aligning the image vertically to the top within a paragraph element, which in the end didn't make a difference as the picture keeps centering, vertically. Will need to check flex code for vertical alignment.















Images below use the “stack” design. Allows for a title and smaller subtext



Additional text


A Montana Lake

What a great get away.


BEF files BEF Home Proposal file, more BEF files

more files


Intial content...
Bacon ipsum dolor amet tri-tip chuck ribeye doner. Capicola brisket porchetta alcatra flank andouille salami pork kielbasa meatloaf t-bone venison chicken. Tail pancetta swine, cow short loin tongue beef bresaola ham hock. Pancetta frankfurter kielbasa pig pork belly spare ribs shoulder burgdoggen. Ham hock drumstick tail, filet mignon tri-tip jowl bresaola. Brisket jerky alcatra pastrami pork.

Content continued... Bacon ipsum dolor amet tri-tip chuck ribeye doner. Capicola brisket porchetta alcatra flank andouille salami pork kielbasa meatloaf t-bone venison chicken. Tail pancetta swine, cow short loin tongue beef bresaola ham hock. Pancetta frankfurter kielbasa pig pork belly spare ribs shoulder burgdoggen. Ham hock drumstick tail, filet mignon tri-tip jowl bresaola. Brisket jerky alcatra pastrami pork.
end of content,

AIS News

Recent Aquatic Invasive Species articles Seeley Swan Pathfinder, November 17th edition

• Invasive Mussels Found in Montana, by CRC

• Water Samples Positive for Invasive Mussel Larvae in Tiber Reservoir by Montana FWP


Specialized 'code' blocks for varied looks and appearance.

This is a "code" block. It accomplishes the same as above, but the code is written in the block, not in the "Advanced" page settings.*Font1

More text using a different Google font. Doing a search for "Google font pairings" often provides great suggestions. *Font2

Font1: Orkney & Font2: Playfair Display from Google Fonts, which is listed in the page settings >> 'advanced'.

Testing a gradient background.

Aquatic Invasive Species articles Seeley Swan Pathfinder,
Nov. 17th edition

Invasive Mussels Found in Montana, by CRC
Water Samples Positive for Invasive Mussel Larvae in Tiber Reservoir by Montana FWP


Another "code" block
Frame with rounderd corners, image on right and UL items
beaver lodge

  • Test using html code frame and how images can be floated.
  • Also checking on the use of a frame background color as well as a frame border.

Events &

dragonfly logo

springtime stream
Some more text

Check out this photo... grabbed the "source" info from the image above and then dropped it into this "code" block. Still have to fiddle with some style code to get it to work as hoped.

 Mid-October's color is gold, when the larch are at their peak. 

The image and text seem responsive in some browsers, including Google Chrome


code block with shadow frames/cards

Ryan Bel picture Ryan Bell

Ryan began his career working out of Charleston, South Carolina focused primarily on prescribed fire. He has spent time working out of Yellowstone National Park on a fuels reduction crew and on a hotshot crew in Darby, Montana. Lately, he has been running a forestry business assisting landowners with wildfire prevention and forest health improvement and now works as CRC's community forester doing home assessments, educational events and assisting with on-the-ground fuels mitigation projects. Ryan is also trained on invasive lily removal, and will be supervising selected removal projects in the coming year. When not on a job, Ryan enjoys a relaxing day on the river or skiing in the backcountry!

staff Jeff Harrits picture Jeff Harrits

Jeff previously worked in education, primarily as an elementary school classroom teacher which increasingly involved a great deal of tech integration. Over the years he has managed or helped to manage a number of educational websites. For the past several years Jeff has volunteered his time maintaining CRC’s website. Jeff doesn’t spend all his time at the computer as he loves getting out on hikes, traveling and taking photos around the area.

Now is the time for all good boxes to work.
A second line, larger font

Specialized 'code' areas using "Flex" 

Events &

dragonfly logo

November 21, 2019 - Executive Director, Caryn Miske shares information about local algae blooms in the Seeley Swan Pathfinder. Read the article, “Algal blooms: What can we do about them?”

November 14, 2019 - Caryn Miske takes over as the new Executive Director for CRC. To learn more, read the Seeley Swan Pathfinder article, “Clearwater Resource Council welcomes new executive director.”


Some text goes here. Just a little bit of text. Pork and beef make excellent stirfry. Some text goes here.
Just a little bit of text. Pork and beef make excellent stirfry. Some text goes here. Just a little bit of text.
Pork and beef make excellent stirfry.

  • flex: auto;
  • height: 15em;
  • margin: auto;
  • background-color: #AA9966;
  • padding: 10px;

A few images from this past autumn.