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MAKE THE CUT - Invasive Lily Pull

Folks turned out to join CRC for a day of fun and aquatic invasive species prevention!

When: August 15th from 9 am – 2 pm
Where: Placid Lake and Salmon Lake

We anticipate that this was the first of many annual lily removal events - a competition to remove the most invasive lily plants. Participants joined as family or friends, in a variety of boats, and pulled away.

Fragrant waterlily is a highly invasive plant which has widespread consequences on native plants and animals. Help CRC stop the spread by joining us for a lily pulling event! CRC will provide competitors with supplies for the pull, and food to re-energize after the event is complete.

Learn more about this event described in the August 20, issue of the Seeley Swan Pathfinder, Making the cut in first annual lily removal competition.”


Thank You to
Citizens Alliance Bank
for helping to Sponsor this event.

Earlier Event: July 24
Later Event: March 14
Winter Snowshoe